1. Stationmaster Tama, the head of Kishi Train Station in Japan.
2. And Tama’s two trusty assistants, Miiko…
3. …and Chibi.
4. PC Tizer, The Railway Cat of King’s Cross.
5. Morris The Cat, the 9Lives spokescat.
6. Tuxedo Stan, founder of the Tuxedo Party of Canada, Canada’s first political party for cats.
7. Morris, the cat who ran for mayor in Mexico.
8. Stubbs, the mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska.
9. Humphrey, the first and most famous mouser of the London prime minister’s residence.
10. Larry, the mouser to the Cabinet office who took over after a short-lived interim mouser named Sybil.
11. And Freya, who replaced Larry, because Larry was way too lazy to be Chief Mouser. Here’s Freya on the job, hanging out with Carley Rae Jepsen.
12. Lemon, official member of the Kyoto Police Dapartment.
13. Matilda, current feline hostess of New York City’s Algonquin Hotel.
14. Kuzya, assistant librarian at the Novorossiysk Library in Russia.
15. Sable, Enterprise Middle School’s crossing guard.
16. Millie, Bandai’s warehouse security cat.